Tuesday, July 26, 2011

17 facts! Why 17? Ask Putijak.

  • I'm not that afraid of creepy crawlies. I mean, I am afraid of them, but sometimes, I'm not afraid. Weird right? I know.
  • I take a long time to trust someone. Well, it depends on how much I've been through together with that person.
  • I'm able to hold really long grudges. So, yes, I do find it difficult to forgive people.
  • I don't want to ever grow up.
  • I give off a serious and mature vibe, however when you get to know me, I'm not so serious. I do have a fun side people!
  • I hate hate hate being defeated. I don't know, I always have to have the last laugh. Bad habit, I know.
  • I'm afraid of holding onto large responsibilities, hence I try to avoid them as much as possible. As mean as it is, I tend to push them towards other people..
  • I love it when I can talk to someone for hours and not run out of things to talk about.
  • In my eyes, I had the perfect childhood, I had every thing I wanted
  • I hate swallowing my pride. I don't tend to apologise to people first, unless, that person is really important to me. If it's minor, then I wouldn't mind.
  • I like things neat, however, that doesn't apply to my bedroom. My room's a complete and total mess. Clothes. Worksheets. Pens. Lollies. Hair ties. Yeah, they're everywhere.
  • I get along better with males, however, I don't let them in that often. I know, I'm weird..
  • I never expect anything in return.
  • I believe in equality when it comes to any relationship (love, familial, friends) in order for it to work. Okay, not so much familial.
  • I actually eat a lot. Like a lot. But I care about my health too much, to eat too much.
  • I'm really glad my brother and I don't argue a lot anymore. We probably argue like once a month or something now.
  • When I'm older, I want my family to consist of my future husband, 2+ children, my parents (if they decide to live with me) and, possibly a dog or some sort of pet.


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