Sunday, July 3, 2011

Confidently insecure

Everyone wants to be confident. Because being confident means being happy with yourself. And to many, that may just be the hardest battle they will ever fight.

Confidence; to be sure of oneself; to have no uncertainty. With so many insecurities, it seems so out of reach. And on top of that, we all have to deal with the images of supposedly 'perfection' in magazines, movies and the media overall. And we compare ourselves with these people who appear in the media looking amazing. Maybe it's the model's body, their smile, their eyes, or maybe it's the interviewee's loving personality. Whatever it is, we'll compare ourselves to them.

But, hang on, if one isn't confident in the first place, something must have happened for them to be so broken in the first place, right? No one will ever know what one has been through, how it must have felt. The initial feeling of having their heart being squeezed and then feeling it slowly break into a million pieces.

For these people, the fight towards confidence is the hardest yet. They must learn to stand back on their feet. They must pick up each piece and mend it back together, careful not to allow it to break into even smaller pieces. It's a hard and painful process, but when it's over, that person will transform into one of the strongest people. And most likely, one of the most amazing.

Confidence isn't given over night. It slowly comes to us. And it also comes with a price. A price of pain, and maybe even tears.

Pick yourself up. Change yourself. Transform. Prove others wrong and let them know that you are beautiful. And most of all, believe in yourself.


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