Thursday, July 7, 2011

Best friends

It's so hard to find one. It's so hard to maintain the friendship. It's hard to face the end. But everything in between, it's a wonderful feeling. Being able to stay up late and talk to them. Smiling like an idiot. Feeling content and forgetting everything else.

Hard to find a best friend; you can't 'find' one, they just come along and you start bonding. Who knows, anyone could turn out to be a best friend. Might be the girl who sits in front of you in English class. It might be the boy you find odd. Even if you dislike them now, when you befriend them, they will become the most amazing person ever.

Establishing a friendship and maintaining it are two different scenarios. Maintaining a friendship really is one of the hardest deeds. It needs you to be dedicated, committed and most of all, patient. Without patience, a friendship will be continuously broken. Maybe it will mend back together, closer than ever, or it can take a one hundred and eighty turn and break into so many smaller pieces that it becomes impossible to put back together.

The end of a friendship. It comes with pain, tears and a pierce in your heart. You'll feel alone. You'll miss how things used to be. You'll miss the late ninth conversations. You'll miss the way the other person makes you feel. A part of you has been ripped a part, because it will stay with the other matter what.

When you're close enough, you just know when it's right to consider yourselves as best friends. You can't ask the other person if you can be best friends. It's a gut instinct, something that only true best friends will share.

There will always be that one person who stays with you for the rest of your life though. Always. 


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