Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's been playing on my mind for a while, but I've finally realised that I don't want to be romantically involved. It just seems so stressful, and I don't know, I don't need that stress and I'm content with the way my life's going..not really, but yeah. It's kinda starting to bother me when certain people emphasise that I don't have a love interest and all that. But yeah, whatever, high school relationships are really..unreal.

Formal is doing me in the head! I have two options in mind. I can spend money on a dress which I keep laying my eyes on, it's perfect! Like perfect! I want it so much! Or I can choose to save money and just stick with an LBD I have and dress it up with a few touches. I don't know..I want the dress, but it's so expensive.. And what if I don't look good in it?!

Jordan, I miss you! We need to talk. I was going to talk to you just then, but you went off. Fag. I miss the times we talked everyday! You're still my 'obba' nonetheless hehe <3 I would start conversations with you more often, but heck, I'm lazy HAHAH! But yeah, I miss you heaps! I hope you're doing well, and everything is all well too.

The heat here is increasing so badly, it's getting so freakin' hot! And it's gonna be hotter tomorrow! Urghhh! I love summer, but I hate it. Oh well, what the hell, perfect weather for beach!

Anyway, I had a good day today. I was feeling pretty dead all day though. But, it was worth it, hehe :D <3


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