Monday, October 31, 2011


I should have said this in yesterday's post, but I've recently made amendments in my life. Specifically, a relationship with someone. Someone who I was once extremely close to and ended on extremely bad terms. It feels odd to be talking to them again. I'm not entirely used to it. I always thought that I could never ever speak a word to them again, I was wrong. But like everyone says, time heals everything. A part of me is still unsure about it though. A part of me finds it hard to forgive entirely.

I've been complaining about how bored I am with my life a lot. Yes, I am bored of it. Extremely bored. All I ever do is go school, study, work out and occasionally have parties. That's it. I know what I need to make me life exciting. A boy. I know, I said I don't want a love interest, but hey, it doesn't mean that he's going to be my love interest. Even a best friend who can make me smile constantly will be fine. Then again, I know it's risky. Becoming close to any boy is. And I know that if a boy does walk in, I'll be happy. And then I'll fall harder than I usually would.

Oh well, I'm walking on a linear path, no detours, no road blocks. My state of 'happiness' is neutral, nothing is paining me, so I guess that's a good thing. I'm happy with the way my life is, but I'm not satisfied. And hey, I do have a male best friend who I can turn to, that's all that counts.

My formal attire is piecing together slowly. I just have to be patient with everything. I hope it goes the way I want it to.

My plans on investing in an SLR this year is most likely heavily delayed. Too many things have popped up which have cause my family to spend money on. It's pretty sad. I want to save up as much as I can and my parents can pay the rest.

I really hope I get a job ASAP. I need money desperately. I'm sick of asking my parents for money all the time. I'm growing up now, I need my own money. Then again, senior year's just around the corner, and I'll have no time at all. Sighh..


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