Sunday, June 26, 2011

Khang and Katrina

My two lovely nephew and niece! I miss them so much! They are the cutest pair of siblings ever! It's been a few months since I've seen them, since they live in Melbourne. I wish they could come over and visit again, I love messing around with them! I'm going to photo spam them, since I miss them so dearly!

 Cutest kid out! I love him so much!
She is the sweetest and most beautiful kid! If I lived near here, I would seriously pound every kid..okay that's sad, but I wouldn't let anyone hurt her! She is freaking amazing!
The auntie with her nephew and niece, HAHAH! I felt so old and in charge that day keke!

Like auntie, like nephew? HAHHAH! Poor kid, he's like me :$
One of my favourite photos! It's so cute and loving! Family! :)
This kid is extremely photogenic, it's crazy! He hogged the camera so much! HAHAH
I told you they were a cute pair of siblings! HAHHA
Isn't he cute?! Omg! AHAHHAHA!

I MISS THESE KIDS SO MUCH! I hope they grow up to be well off and amazing people!

To live the fairy tale

To live a fairy tale. What does that mean? To me, it means being in love. It means being surrounded by people who love you. It means being able to balance every aspect of your life successfully. It means being happy.

Being happy. Everyone and every thing makes it seem so simple. When really, it's one of the hardest things to maintain. It's easy to be happy when you're around people with a positive energy and ones who love you, but, the thing is, you're not around them 24/7. Everyone has their own thing to do and eventually we part ways, whether it's for an hour, a day, a month, a year or even decades. Without their presence, you may feel lonely, and no one's happy when they're lonely.

Balance. It's hard. It's hard to balance a million assessments and assignments, family, friends and boys on top of that. We have only so much time to balance only a few aspects. More and more things will constantly be thrown at you, because that's how life is. It'll catapult a problem right in your face and that's when you tumble over..and try to stand back up.

Looks are deceiving. People lie. People wear a foundation. You never really know if the other person is telling you the truth. They may be using you to get to something they want. It's hard to find a genuine person, but when you do, there's something that just tugs onto you, and you just know that you must keep them in your life.

Love; the one things that brings us altogether. And the thing that may just pull us all apart. It's hard to find true love. It may take years. Decades even. That person may be right under your noses. They might be sitting in your classroom in first period. They may me amongst your group of friends. Or maybe they're looking for someone just like you, and you got to do is wait.

Then again, no one lives a fairy tale. No one.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Learn a bit more about me

  1. My previous name was 'Anny Lam', and I plan on changing it back to it after school, because my Dad originally named me that.
  2. My parents were about to call me 'Betty' and am I glad they didn't!
  3. My favourite colours are beige, raw umber, old lace and pearl.
  4. I'm actually a lot more out-going than I seem.
  5. If you intimidate me, I won't approach you, but if you give me a good vibe I'll approach you!
  6. I could read Harry Potter over and over again without getting sick of it!
  7. I love being around kids because you feel this love and happiness you can only get from their innocence and purity.
  8. I don't know if I want a dog when I grow older because I don't want to go through a death of a pet.
  9. I love it when a guy says 'good night' or 'good morning'. I prefer it over just 'night' or 'morning'.
  10. I prefer fat free mayonnaise over the classic one, because of its taste
Just ten facts! I'll keep posting random facts about myself when I'm bored! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Partially cutting my social life

I got Julie to change my password for Facebook. I'm not going to be on MSN in school days.

So, all I have now is Tumblr (which I rarely go on), Blogger (which I only use for ranting) and Polyvore (which can only be used for fashion, and I don't go on much anymore). I'm such a loser.

The only ways to reach me is to text me, call me and seeing me in person.

This is only temporary..I hope. Until the exit exam's over, or a week before it, cause I'll take it easy then. But the whole MSN on school days thing is staying. I don't want any distractions.

So yeahhhhh! Just a heads up :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Headache, tired, cold

Urghhh! What a crap day, I had a headache all day :( And it's still going on, nothing will make it go away! Panamax, water, sleep, food..nothing! It's freaking killing me, and it hurts even more when I walk, so all I did today was sit on my damn chair!

I watched Pretty Little Liars, Running Man, scenes from Devil Beside You. Oh, aren't I a lazy bum? I feel like crap at the moment.

And it's cold as well! Like ahujdhfso! My hands are freezingggggggggggg!

Cause I was tired, I tried to sleep, but I got interrupted by Putijak's phone cause his Mum called. HAHAH! I was panicking like crazy. Then I couldn't sleep again, so sad.

Well, I had hot-pot today! Yummmmmmmmm! Third time having hot-pot in a month! And they were all different as well! hehe! I didn't eat much today though, I felt like vomiting :(

Well, that was my crap day. Oh! There was a good thing that happened, I have a secured position to volunteer at Salvo's! After I turn 15. Damn. But it's secured! YAYYYYYYYY!

Happy birthday Vanessa!

Happy birthday sweetie! I hope you had a wonderful day and that you had fun in tutor! HAHAH!

You're going through a lot at the moment, and I hope you will move on really soon, because those people? They got nothing on you! They are worthless. Even in my opinion and I don't talk to them that often. People come and go, people bitch. That's how people are, just accept it and move on, because you are worth it!

You deserve to smile, you deserve to laugh, you deserve to be genuinely happy. Don't let anyone tell you you can't!

I really wish I could have spent today with you, but you didn't make anything, and we're a bunch of lazy bums. HAHAH!

Remember, that you're never alone, you have the bunch of us behind you, being there whenever you need us. I'm just a call away baby! ;) HAHAAH! But, really, we really are right behind you, three years together, and I really hope it'll be the rest of our lives.

I'm really tired at the moment, so I'm going to stop, but you know I can keep going on! I love you Dumber!

Friday, June 17, 2011

What a day!

School was boring, as always, but after school at the Rock Eisteddfod meeting, it was fun!

Painting the suitcases was really fun! I wiped some paint of Putijak, HAHA! Poor kid! I felt the urge to pick on him that time! Well, he looked cute anyway! With April's, Julie's and my scarves around his neck as well. HAHAH! Julie wiped some on my cheek and it looked like I had a big fat mole! HAHAH! :(

I wanted to take photos on the day, but there's not actual position for a photographer, but I'm going to take photos anyway! I'm probably going to re-join, cause the meetings a million times more fun, and if I do, I'm going to do hair and make-up. I love doing peoples' hair so, fun fun fun! And I love make-up as well, I can't wait to do Sam's make-up, gothicccccccccc! keke!

Towards the end of the meeting, Julie, April and I were being cheeky and stole Putijak's phone, Alex's phone and keys. Okay, most of it was me. I stole it. HAHAH! But they helped hide it so, all good! :D We ran away from them and picked on them so much, it was so fun!

Then we walked to Julie's place (Julie, Alex, Putijak and I), April said it was a double date.. HAHAH :( But yeah, we're all just friends! It was fun walking and messing around, I tried to leave Julie and Alex alone by pulling Putijak in front pretending that I need to talk to him. But it so badly! Julie and Alex were cooing, saying 'What's going on here?', 'What is this?' and so on and so forth. So sad! Don't get me wrong though, we're all just good friends!

I still have Putijak's phone! HAHHA, I'm going to give it back to him on Monday..and spam his phone with selcas! keke!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am starting to miss my short hair so much! I just feel like it frames my face that much better, but I told Tiff that I would grow out my hair, so I'm going to give it another six months, and if I don't like it, bye bye long hair! hehe!

I was planning to get a bar fringe and get the A-line cut, along with it (back: (front:, but Katie said that it'd be too risky, so I'm re-considering it. I only considered it in the beginning because I have this thing with short hair, and the bar fringe makes it so unique, because everyone I know who had an A-line cut, got side swept bangs.

But, that's if I decide to go with it, but until the end of 2011, I'll be leaving my hair out, hopefully up to my waist or, if I can, the hips. I'll get trims here and there, Lisa's going trim my hair some time soon, I really hope she doesn't ruin my hair! If she does, I'm going to cry!

I want long hair as well though. Curls look so much more elegant on long hair. And you can braid it. And you can style it in so many different ways! And with short hair, it's always the same, well, I could straighten it, and braid the crown, but that's it!

Well, I guess I'll have to see won't I? Six more months to go, until I make my decision! Either long, or really short!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Harry Potter's ending

I'm still in denial. I just watched Deathly Hallows Part 2's trailer, and it finally hit me, this is the end of the Harry Potter movies. Nooooooooo! It's been a decade since the first movie was released. In around a month, this will be the end to Harry Potter, the final. Uncool! :( It's such a good series! I was bummed when the books ended, but now, the movies? I hope that there will be some after thing, of the children! I'm curious about what could happen to them! Like when they learn about Harry and Voldemort! I hope Rowling does it, fingers crossed!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

That's enough for my daily blabs about nothing!

I just felt the urge to blab about random useless things. And now I'm too lazy and cold and tired, so I'm off to bookworm, and maybe watch No Ordinary bed! Hehe! Goodnight!

I might post a picture of my new obsession, my knitted sweater tomorrow. Cutest thing everrrrrrrrrrr! Hehehhehe!

Teenagers, stereotypes and judgements

You walk out of the house, it's like walking into a courtroom. People will stare. People wll judge. It's how people are.

Let's say, you see a teenage girl, she has a thick layer of foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and all that. And she's wearing a fitted tank and short shorts. You're thinking she's a bitch/slut, right? Even I'm guilty of that. But, if you think about it, you don't know their life. You don't know why they're dressed like that. They could feel insecure about their face, so they enhance it with make up. And a tank and shorts are normal, so whatever.

I bet all girls will judge another dressed like that. It's how girls are..sadly. We want to feel prettier than others. We want to feel better than others.

I judge others. I judge them everyday. I judge them by the way they dress. I judge them by the facial expression. I judge them by their hairstyle. I judge them from their actions. It's an endless list of possibilites of their true identity though.

Call me naive, but I believe that everyone has a 'good' side to them. There has to be at least one person who everyone loves. And we don't act rashly towards our loved ones do we?

This post is everywhere, but you get me!

Male best friends

To a girl, he can be her brother. He can be her rock. He can be her shoulder to lean on. He can be her trouble maker buddy. He can be the reason she cries at night. He can be the reason she's the happies girl. 

A girl doesn't need a boyfriend to be happy, it can be as simple as having a male best friend. Strike that, finding one is not simple at all, but all a girl does need is a male best friend. Every girl has this agenda, just for a best friend. And not every guy she stumbles upon may satisfy it, hence she'll 'pass'.

It may take years to find the guy who satisifies (majority of) the agenda. During the time they talk, they'll stay up into the early hours of the morning talking about useless and countless things. They'll cry into each other's arms. They'll be mistaken as a couple (most of them anyway). They'll turn to each other instantly when something comes up. They'll just want to talk to each other..for the sake of it. Oh, and they'll pick on each other like no tomorrow.

Before they know it, something will pull them a part. I don't know how the guy feels, but this is how most girls feel. They'll feel lonely. They'll feel like no one cares for them.

Every time he leaves her, another will appear, and it happens all over again. Until she finds the right guy to remain best friends with. There's no real way to know if he's the right person to stay best friends with, it comes with the package. But everytime he leaves her, she'll become a stronger woman, and she'll know what to expect.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

This is by far one of the best movies ever! Taylor Momsen and Jim Carrey. Oh my gosh! I love it so much! The rhyme that the Who's use! Ahhhhhhhh! It's so cute! I love the Whos' faces as well, it's somewhat cute! HAHAH!

Taylor was so cute and innocent back then. I miss that innocent Taylor, now she's always packed with black eyeshadow and black eyeliner. And she does drugs and all that stuff. It's sad, I really liked her :/

Jim Carrey's acting has not changed at all! You an recognise it anywhere! HHAHA! I LOVE HIM!

Definitely a classic :')

I love the songs in it as well ^^

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My wishlist! (as of now)

  •  Karma by Betts (pink) (
  • Betty by Tony Bianco (black patent) (
  • A pair of black flats (in need of them for a simple outfit!)
  • Sovereign by Therapy (or something similar) (black pu)(
  • Greenwich by Therapy (or something similar) (chocolate) (
  • Over-the-knee boots (leather, black)
  • Leyla by Tony Bianco (or somethign similar) (black suede) (
  • Denim chambray shirt
  • Knitted sweater (mocha, beige)
  • Ripped knitted sweater
  • Sheer chambray shirt
  • Enchanted Waisted Shorts by Quirky Circus (
  • Pleather high waist skinnies
  • Pleather high waist shorts
  • A spacious, leather bag (brown/black, gold buckles)
  • Satchel (taupe, brown)
  • Large clutch (casual)
  • Something similar to S5081 by Chanel (
  • Any circular lens sunglasses (black)
  • Floppy hat (black)
I should stop. This will never end.. HAHA :')

The second birthday boy!

Two birthday posts. This is going to make my blog look weird, but whatever! :)

Happy birthday Vince!

I have no idea if you've found my blog, but whatever, I'll write this anyway cause I'm a loser like this. HAHA :(

I know we don't speak as much as I would like us to, but when we have, you always, and I mean always make me smile! Heck, I'm smiling as I write this thinking back at the times we've talked! I really thank you for that, and for all the compliments you have given me. They are one of the best things I have been told by a male (along with Jordan, no wonder you are best friends)! 

I still remember that time when you were on Skype out of no where, and told me to answer a whole bunch on questions to break the ice! HAHHA :( But, it became so much more awkward! But, yes, I was smiling the whole time. And to that rose question, yes you are welcome to, since I didn't really answer that! HAHA :$

Well, I'm getting tired and sleepy, so I'll end this. Happy birthday again, have a wonderful day and take care!

By the way, you're old! hehe ^^

The (fat) birthday boy!

Happy birthday fat Danny!

I know we don't talk as much (and who's fault is that?), but I love you nevertheless! You're always there to make me smile in some way, whether you're picking on me, or it's just us talking casually. You have such a carefree personality to you! 

Open up a bit more yeah? I look forward to becoming closer to you and making our friendship more than just us picking on each other! :P But of course, we'll never stop picking on each other, cause that's just how we are :')

Wait, what am I saying? Am I saying this to Danny? Ewwww! I hate you! You never make me smile and I hope you have a horrible day!

HAHAH! I'm so lame! :( I kid, you're an amazing person! Happy birthday fattie, I love you!

Oh yeah, give me your dimples! Please? :3

Thursday, June 9, 2011

'Penis' game

Okay, I admit it's funny and fun to play and all. But, like everthing, it has its limits.

Ever since that Chonny video about how to get kicked out of class, everyone, and I mean everyone has been playing that stupid penis game. In the lecture theatre, in classes. Argh! It's so annoying now!

My friends played it in Science today, and I shrugged it off, cause I know that's how they roll and all, but they know their limits to that game. So, I'm all cool with that, and maybe cause the fact that I love them.

If you play it, cool, whatever.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Skip the introduction and get right into it

Today was freaking freezing! I'm always pissed off when it's cold. And I'm usually tired as well.

School's getting boring as hell now. Maybe cause it's cold and I can't be bothered to get up. I don't know. I know I hate it though.

I started talking to Jordan again. Happy! Feels nice to talk to him again after not doing so for so long.


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