Saturday, November 26, 2011

Aching and confused

I just got back from camp yesterday. I still haven't completely unpacked yet, my body ached too much to unpack. My back is still killing me. 

Day 1
I woke up at 6am (a way better start than my Korea trip was), got at school at 8am. It was pretty chilly and I was only wearing a thin sweater, but oh well. Then we left at around 8:30, I think. And by the time we got to Stanwell Tops, it was completely pouring! Urgh, it was so bad. Our first meal was fish and chips, the chips were so soggy! And the fish was still a tad pink. 

We then went off to our activities, and our first one was a rock climbing wall. It was supposed to be an actual rock, but it was too wet and dangerous, how gay, I was actually looking forward to the real thing. And then we went off to high ropes. Oh my god, that shit is so scary! I shitted myself when going through one of the courses! But the thing I really really really hate about tthe activities was the weather, it drenched my outer sweater so badly! I couldn't wear it the next day. And it still didn't completely dry when camp was over! So I kinda stole Alan's hoodie..

Then we had some free time, dinner and trivia night. The first day was good despite the weather. And we all slept early too..

Day 2
I woke up at 6am, and up till 7am, I was in that moment when you're asleep, but you're not. I don't know, it's weird. We had breakfast at 8am (toast, sausage, eggs) then we had till 10 am till our activity, so we bummed around. I went around to the boys' room and just stayed there.

Our first activity was..Survivor. It was great fun! During Survivor, I realised how nice and mature Kevin Truong is! It was definitely one of my favourite activities! Then we went off to lunch, we had burritos, it was alright I guess. Then we went off to the Giant Swing, I didn't go on it cause I didn't really want to, but yeahh. I don't regret not going on.

Then the best part of the day: water fight! It was heaps fun! I got bucketed heaps of times though! And I got thrown in the pool a million times! Damn you Stevan and Vuong! Oh, but I stacked it so badly, main reason why my back hurts. So I was standing on concrete and Vuong was gonna shoot me, but behind him I swa Stevan running towards Vuong with a bucket, and then Stevan tackled Vuong and Vuong tackled me and I fell head first on concrete. I didn't feel it though..I mainly felt it on my ass and my jaw. I hope I didn't break anything!

We then had dinner, it was pasta, but I didn't want to eat it so I didn't. Then we had games night. Meh. It was alright. Then after that, I sat and talked with Alan, Vuong and Tony. Then we went to our rooms and I ended up sleeping at 3:30am. Oh yeah, your comment hurt me. And now cause of you, I'm all over the place.

Day 3
I'm getting lazy, so I'm gonna like be very brief. Woke up for 7:30, went to breakfast which was bacon, toast and eggs.  Then we had free time again till 10, I spent it with Alan. Went off to out last acitvity which was go karting, I diidn't go on cause my body was aching from that fall and because I didn't want to. I felt very moody and I didn't wanna be around anyone, so it was pretty shit. Oh well, it was no one's but my fault. Then  after that, we had lunch which was some egg noodle thing, I don't know. Then we went back home, and yeahhh! 

Overall, it wasn't the best camp, but it wasn't the worst. 


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