Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You walked away, but you walked back in

I've been meaning to post for a few days now, but I just could not be bothered!

So, Monday, it was uneventful until school ended. Things happened. I then decided to spend my afternoon with Johnny and Putijak. Well, Johnny asked me if I was free, and asked me to bum around, and he invited Putijak as well. It was an extremely fun afternoon! We spent time at the park just talking about everything. It was one of those conversations where you get to know how that person feels about other people. I don't know, it's hard to explain. Oh, and they also decided to teach me how to ride a bike! Putijak brought it up since they had bikes with them, and that boy is so damn persistent! Johnny gave up in under a minute because I refused to get on the bike. It probably took two whole minutes just to get me on it. I was so so so scared at first, I barely pedalled! But, Putijak, being so persistent, kept urging me on, and I finally got the hang of it. I don't move that far though, not far at all. They were both overjoyed each time I pedalled and got somewhere! It was really encouraging. Putijak said I just have to practice my balance and make myself pedal more. I want to keep learning now! It's pretty fun!

It's Career Week for my grade, and we found out that our mock interview is really this Friday. And it's the real deal: corporate wear, the interview, resume, and everything! I need to go purchase my attire for Friday since I barely have anything.

Formal's coming up next Thursday! I need to fix my dress up, and that's happening this Friday, but I haven't gotten around to buying the fabric yet! Urgh! I can't be bothered for it. I'm excited to socialise with my grade and purchase items, but urgh, I'm lazy. 

So much to do and buy in so little time. I'm going to have to spend so much money just for the mock interview and formal.


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