Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Summer's just around the corner

And I'm not ready for it. I feel like such a blob right now. I haven't been working out cause I've been sick for who knows how long. And I've been junking out because I can. I regret it so much!

I only have a few months to get back into decent shape. I can't lose that much weight. I don't want to. I want to take it slowly-ish. I really hope I can get into decent shape.

Anyway, my headache's killing me. I have to get going to tutor in like five minutes. And I'm sitting here blogging.

Rock Eisteddfod's in two days. Shoot me. I'm going to be so tired. And my headache, blocked nose and itchy throat will all be accompanying me.

I've been dehydrated a lot lately as well.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I love you

These three words - I remember throwing them around. I remember that stage when people got together and said it right away. Now that I look back, it's really absurd. I mean I was so young, and I still am, but I threw this phrase around so much. Everyone did.

I remember when Jordan first got with Erika, he didn't say it until their first month or something. I thought it was weird. I mean, you're with them, how can you not love them? And tell them you love them? Isn't that the sole purpose of being with someone? Having to love them?

Now, I know that it isn't. Well, it is, but not at this age. Because at this age everyone is dating someone becuase they think they love them. Because at this age, no one really knows the true definition of love.

I don't even know what it means to love someone as more than a friend. All I did was 'like' and 'care'. And until I feel different towards that one person, I'll say it. But that's not going to be for a while, cause, to me, right now, love's a bunch of shit.

Okay, not really, I like love. Especially Jordan and Erika's. But I'm not ready and I'm not interested in it.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lazy day-ish

I pretty much had a lazy day today..kinda.

I went to volunteer at Salvo's and I saw Miss Vu. It was kind of awkward at first when she didn't see me. When she saw me, it was all good. I was pretty surprised that she recognised me. She called me a good girl (A) HAHA

The people who I work with are extremely nice! I'm really quiet when I'm around them cause I'm the youngest and all. I'm the youngest by quite a lot. And this girl, her name's Amy, she said she'll get me out of my shell in a few weeks time. They're going to regret bringing me out (A) I'm going to be so retarded.. It made me smile when she said that though!

Urgh, I still haven't gotten better from my all! And when I'm sick, I tend to let myself go in terms of working out and eating healthy. Yeah, I've been eating so much junk! :(

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I still haven't recovered from being sick.. And it just got a million times worse today. My headache hasn't left me since forever. My throat's been killing me since this morning. My nose has been runny all day.

I want to sleep. But I want to finish my homework and I have something to sort out as well..urgh.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I was meaning to post this on Sunday night, but I was dead tired. And I couldn't be bothered every other day. But on Sunday was when Tifferny celebrated her 16th. It was so much fun! And I didn't even drink!

When everyone else came (I came super early to go and get the cake and all), I realised that that night, would have been the one night I would be able to get a different 'scenery'. I mean, I love my default group, but it's nice to be with other people.

Well, yeah, had loads of fun. Oh, and while everyone was taking shots, I was just standing there on ebuddy talking to Alan (that fag went home early!) and eating my spring rolls.I'm so g aren't I?! HAHA, nahh, I wasn't allowed to. Tiff and Mehmet didn't let me. But oh well, I looked drunk cause I went red anyway (A)

I also realised that there are a handful of people who do look out for me. Even if we don't talk much. And we pick on each other every single time we see each other.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Happy 21 months Jordan and Erika! Love you two very much! Glad you had an amazing night! :')

Sick. Tired. Should sleep soon.

Friday, August 12, 2011

I. Am. So. Tired.

I'm constantly yawning, I have abdominal and chest pain and I feel like slob at the moment. I seriously have got to work out tomorrow.

I had Rock Eisteddfod meeting today from lunch time, which was like 1PM, all the way till 5:30PM. I literally went crazy running from chracter to character. Okay, not really. But yeah, it was tiring. And the make up that the seniors did, were, no offence, but it was horrible. I don't want to make myself seem like I'm good at make up, cause, no, I suck, but no one liked their make up at all.. And they claimed that they were 'professional' and that it looked pretty.

Oh, and they tried to insult me in Vietnamese, thinking I didn't understand. Meh.

It's been a while since I left this post open. I'm still tired.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Short fringe!

So yeah, Lisa came over to chop my 'fringe' off. Oh my gosh, it's so freaking short now! Like, it's really really really short. I'm going to wait until it grows out until I leave it down, cause I look like a little kid at the moment! Only way to see it would be when Lisa uploads the photos we took today. Which is quite a lot. But yeah, it's so short!

After she cut my hair and we watched movies, I ended up falling asleep on her. HAHAH! I was so tired! She let me sleep for 10 - 15 minutes at once. And at the second time, she kept poking my face..and I had no clue. HAHA! :( Sorry baby! HAHAH After that, we messed around a bit more. And yeahh, that was my day.

And now, I'm too lazy to do my tutor homework. I might do it in the double period of Science tomorrow.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So, I went Parramatta today, and yes, I did purchase clothes. I got a grey long sleeve sweater-like top with a picture of a fox on it from Kenji, and a red cropped Peter Pan collared shirt from Paper Scissors. I love both purchases!

Then I went to my family friend's unwillingly. I ate.

Then I went Vivian's. Oh my gosh, I don't even know where to begin with her party. People were goneeeeeee! When I walked into her flat area, I was attacked by Alan with the biggest hug out. And Katherine, if you read this, girrrrrrrrl, you did it for me so bad! I will never let this go! She was the cutest drunk ever man! HAHA <3

Oh, and this other guy (I don't want to mention his name), but, urgh, he nearly vomitted on me! And the first thing he did when I stepped into Vivian's room? He grabbed onto my leg and refused to let go. It scared the crap out of me! I screamed man..

Urgh, my legs are threatening to fall off. But my hair's wet, and I don't want to blow dry it, so yeahh.. What a day..

Sex god

I just finished watching Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging. Oh. My. Gosh. Aaron Johnson is a 'sex god'. He is to die for!

I just had to say that! :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Today was such a bad day! Okay, it wasn't that bad, but it was bad!

I woke up feeling more energetic than usual, but when I got to school, damn, I nearly fell asleep in most of my classes! :( Felt so dhasuf all day! And then I got home, took a shower, and Dad turned the hot water off when I had like suds all over my body! :( I stood there for like freaking five minutes or so until he realised. Sad! :( And now I just found out I'm not going to the K-pop Festival thing in November. Like urghhhhhhhh! I want to go! I mean, I'm not that into Korean music anymore, but still! TIFFANYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! :( DONGWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! :( Then again, I am using a lot of money..

Well, on the bright side, I am getting a new phone. I just don't know what phone I'm going to get. And I need to tell my brother soon because he's going to go get it tomorrow.

Urghhhhhh! I'm still so annoyed! :(

I should do Geography homework.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Always catching me by surprise

My group of friends really do know how to catch me unexpectedly. Is that good or bad? I don't know, I guess I'm kind of on the fence. But today, I received my presents because I recently turned 15. I didn't even know it was coming..probably because I specifically told them not to get me anything. But they're a bunch of stubborn people, so what the hell!

My reaction when they gave it to me? 'Is that mine? Are you serious? What the hell?' HAHAHAH! Well, I was really really surprised! I ended up getting more clothes (damn, Mum's going to kill me) - a knit bat wing cardigan, light denim chambray shirt, black cardigan and taupe shorts. They all fit me perfectly as well. Oh, and an adorable card from all of them! Cutest messages out! Besides Putijak's (A) HAHHA

I'm really really really thankful. I realyl wasn't expecting anything and I feel so apologetic because I didn't chip in for the past birthdays. I was broke okay? Shut up! But really, thank you! Especially Lisa! I love you guys!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It doesn't matter in the end

There are always people asking who you ideal partner is, what they would be like, what they would look like. And there are people are specifically answer that question. Some have vague answers. Well, me? I do have a few key points, I mean everyone has to have at least have that. But then, in the end it doesn't matter at all. If that person can return your feelings, has the ability to make you smile and respect you at the same time. Then that's it. Oh, and trust. Just the basics. People expect too much from their partner, and sometimes because of that, that pretty much drags their relationship downhill.

I know there are girls out there who want their partner to have a six-pack, biceps, a cute smile and so on and so forth. And then they go onto the personality: a sense of humour, academically gifted, athletic, a big heart so so on. It's so materialistic. No guy, no guy will ever be like this. If they do achieve this sort of fake persona, there will always be a flaw. There is so such thing as a perfect man.

And of course, the boys, now what do they want? Large breasts, big arse, curves, flat stomach, long legs. A sense of humour, bubbly, the ability to cook (gosh, that always gets on my nerves!). Boyyy, you dreamin' a tad too much! It is extremely hard to find a girl who has big boobs and arse and has a big heart.

Okay, what I'm really saying is that, in a relationship, you don't need all those things! You just need to share a mutual feeling with love, trust and respect. Oh, and they have to be able to make you smile. Yeah, all those things above are a bonus, but it's not needed for a relationship to work. You could pair up a hot guy with an ugly girl and they could be the cutest couple. And then you could have a hot guy and a hot girl together, and just as well might be the couple you want to strangle.

I really wish people would open their mind about this sort of thing and stop checking their criteria for a partner. Life doesn't work that way.

I know, this is a weird post and it's every where. I'm just not in the mood to write formally!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Okay, I know it's like 1:20AM, and it's the 1st of August. But I won't be posting about the 1st of August. I will be posting about the 31st of July!

Happy birthday Harry Potter and Joanne Kathleen Rowling! I don't know what my life would be like without Harry Potter :') Yes, I'm an obsessed child.

So, I had a seven hour sleep last ngiht, which is not good. I should be getting at least eight hours. Oh well.

I went Julie's place today, and we just talked and reminisced. I love our little talks. They always bring smiles to our faces. We looked back on school photos as well, gosh everyone's changed so much! For better..and for worse. Primary photos were the best though, everyone was so cute! A part of me really does miss primary. we were all so innocent back then. We had a few 'deep' talks. Wasn't one of our deepest, but yeah. It was nice.

Then I got hungry, so I went home. I actually wanted to stay till night, but I felt lazy. And the first thing I did when I got home? I ran into the kitchen.. I was hungry okay?!

I caught up with Cindy Lam today. It was extremely nice to talk to her properly after so long. Seeing as we were so close in primary. I have to thank Putijak for inviting her in..because he didn't want to be our messenger. But, seriously, I do owe you one Putijak! I hope after this conversation things will be better with her and we won't be so awkward HAHAH!

I should get off the computer now. My arse is hurting.. Okay, goodnight!

Hello five hour sleep.. :(


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