Monday, January 2, 2012


It's 2012, oh my godddd, it's senior year now! I gotta get my game together this year. My cousin's expecting me to do well, everyone in my family is! I'm so dumb as well, stupid high expectations, makes my life hard. Oh well, quick recap of 2011

  • I made amends with Johnny, oh my god, still pretty unbelievable HAHA
  • I became closer with Putijak, yeahh! :D
  • I drifted from my group, actually everyone drifted, we're barely together
  • I grew closer to Tiff again!
  • I grew closer to Alan, Vuong, Johnathon, Ek and Srecko
  • I drifted from Jordan, but we're still best friends :D
  • I'm a lot healthier, not as much as I was in the beginning of the year though
  • I went Korea and met some cute boys :$
  • I met Lily! ^^
  • Lost a few friendships
  • I wasn't completely sad all year! :'D
  • My life became hella boring
That's all I can think of, I have a boring life :$ I always make new year's resolutions and they never happen, but what the hell, I'm gonna make them again :D
  • Become more organised! I purchased a fat diary this year to keep myself organised, I hope I follow it!
  • No social networking sites on weekdays until after I finished my homework. Or not at all! God, this is gonna fail so badly..
  • Read more! I've been slacking off a lot and my English has dropped dramatically!
  • Be happy with my body. I've been working out, but I haven't been eating right lately. I need to start again HAHAH I'm a blob :$
  • Stop spending money so much, I'm the biggest money spender you'll ever meet! Mainly because I'm not allowed to buy cheap items, I buy expensive high quality items that will last a while AHAHAH
  • Get myself a job! Or I can wait until I'm 18 and work at Costco.. Nah, that's too long :(
  • Improve my maths skills.. Oh my god, I suck and I hate maths and I'm doing 3 unit..
  • Stop being so uptight! I already told Putijak I want to be carefree and he encouraged me, so yeah, I'm not going to care what people think of me and do whatever I want!
That's about it! :D I hope 2012 is a joyous year! For everyone!


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