Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I got woken up at 11 to go to temple cause it's something us Viets/Chinese just do on CNY. I went to a couple, it was the same thing over and over. The first temple I went to, I ended up eating buon rieu, it wasn't nice there. It was uneventful. Well, I saw Jimmy..and threw him a dirty and walked off.. HAHAH (A) Oh well, it wasn't intentional, it just came upon me.

After temple, I stayed at home. All day. All night.

It was Phi's 16th..and I forgot, until Putijak reminded me HAHAHHA Woopsie! We had a BBQ at his place. I don't remember much. We lazed around on his bed..I'm surprised it didn't break! And and I played with his dogs too! I love Baby! Oh my gosh, she's so fluffy! And she likes me now, well, I think she liked my perfume, every time I walked past, she always stood up and stared at me AHAHA She's so cute! I felt so special when she sat on me :$

As the night went on, we went outside to watch the others play Ultimate Snap and Bullshit. It was pretty funny seeing how Ben, Duy and all were tipsy at the most. Ben is so cute heheh :$ I love how he's so into fashion! He met Alexander Wang, like what! Oh my goddd! Jealous! And he's been to so so so many runways! Extremely jealous! His sense of style is so sexy :$ Even in girls' fashion!

I had Linda over before tutor. And during. And after. HAHAH! It was heaps of fun! Julie was over after tutor as well. And we watched Linda and I's old dedication videos. One word: CRINGEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh my gosh, everyone looked so different and youngggggggggggggggg! And Alex, oh my god, HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! That's all I can say.

After Linda went home, Julie and I went on a Ellen DeGeneres spree. Oh my god, hilarious! Our cheeks were aching so so so much afterwards HAHAH I love Ellen so much! She's so amazing! Anyway, it was the best night with Julie! I haven't spent this time with her in yonks! Esp. not time just laughing our asses off! I missed that girl so much! Tonight was probably the most happiest I've been for a while HAHA

Posting this now, cause it's 5 more minutes until the 26th! :$ I might post again later.


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