Friday, January 6, 2012


I went to Bondi beach with Lisa, Anna, April, Sarah, Phi, Putijak, Alex, Brian, Scott and Kelvin! So, I planned to meet up with Alex and Putijak at 8:30 at Cabra station cause some people were meeting at Fairfield. I didn't know there were going to be more people meeting there, but I bumped into Lisa at the police station so we walked it together! We bought a ticket to Bondi Junction..yeah, that was a mistake. So we took the bus to Fairfield and met up with the others.

We stopped at..Redfern(?), I don't know, I forgot. The train trip was hilarious! I slapped Lisa, hehehe! And I slapped Alex as well. And Lisa kept cupping my boobs! I don't know why I'm friends with her either. We hopped onto another train towards Bondi Junction, and when we got there, we had to buy our bus ticket to the beach, and that was $4.20! So, the group who met at Cabra ended up spending $10.80 on the ticket.. How sad. The Fairfield group caught the first bus to Bondi, so we met up at the beach.

The beach was pretty packed! I wasn't planning on wearing a bikini, but I felt left out, the boys said they wouldn't care if I'm fat, and the girls kept on urging me too, so I wore one! I felt really insecure at first, but then I didn't care after a while. I also wasn't planning on going into the water, but I ended up going in as well. It was heaps fun though, I love jumping the waves!

We went back to just chill on the sand for a while, and I was laying down on my towel, and Alex, thinking he's funny, poured sand on my tummy! Lisa did the same afterwards as well! After that, we chilled, played 13, and chilled some more. I went back into the water once more, and after that we all just chilled again.

At around 4 - 5, a sudden gust of strong wind blew and the sand blew along with it. The sand was so painful against our skin! Oh my gosh, it was so annoying. I thought it would end soon, but it did not stop at all! I ended up covering myself neck to toe with my towel. It was freakin' painful! Such a bad way to end the day at the beach!

So, we went to change and all, and oh my gosh, the toilets stank so bad! I felt like vomiting! Urgh, I hate beach restrooms! We hopped back on the bus and back to the station, blah blah, and apparently Alex said some guy was checking me out. I saw him looking back at me, but it didn't hit me that he was checking me out. I think I'm becoming more dopey..

The train trip back to Cabra was hilarious! I love train trips, they're usually the best part of the day. Kelvin got stuck between the seats. Alex swore at the train. Kelvin was being stupid. Putijak put his legs around Kelvin's neck. Phi MMS-ed everyone photos of that trip, such a good time!

When we got back to Cabra, we went to eat at Dong Ba. I had crispy noodles with combination. It was so nice! I didn't have it for so long! I didn't finish it though, Phi and Kelvin helped me. I said something, and Putijak threw a tissue at me, and I aimed it back at Putijak..but, it hit Phi's hea and rebounded into his food! HAHAHAHHAH! It was soup too! And he wasn't finished, woops.. It was a great laugh though!

I got home at around 9, and I found out that I was burnt under my boobs, my shoulder and a bit on my chest. And a bit on my face. But when I woke up, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

There's only one significant thing that happened that day. I finished season 3 of Desperate Housewives and I can't find a link that is in sync for season 4! So I have to wait for Malika to come over and give me the rest of Desprerate Housewives. So I started watching 7th Heaven. It's pretty food so far! I've been wanting to watch it for a while, and I finally am!

I went to Julie's place today. It's always nice to spend time with her! She got more tan! Yayy! She is so white! We didn't do much, just chilled. Then we went Super Dish with her family and Jimmy's family, oh my gosh, the food was so oily and sickening! Yuck!

After dinner, we went to Jenny's place. I haven't been there in what feels like a million years! We chilled outside on the sofa talking. Pretty good talk, and funny too!

I recently discovered an artist and I am in love with her music! It's definitely not everyone's favourite taste in music, but hey, I'm weird. Her name's Kimbra, I highly doubt many people will like her music. She's just so unique and so is her music! My favourite song from her is Cameo Lover, also the first song I heard from her!

I think this is all I have to update my blog with..if not, I'll post again later!


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