Monday, April 9, 2012

Demeaning Happiness

It's natural for many people to feel as if they being dwarfed among this extravagant world. So many things are happening that it becomes a challenge just to keep up with the global issues. Let's take a step back though, how do you feel among your social circle? Are you still feeling dwarfed? Is everyone achieving what they want? While you're still running in circles?

I know that there are many people who do feel this way. I did, actually, I think I still do. I was skimming through chat logs with a particular friend of mine and I came across a pair of compliments they (gotta cover their gender in case it becomes obvious!) directed towards me. Their choice of words, the meaning behind them - they embraced such positive connotations. And the thing is, they were directed towards me. Plain old me. Nothing special. Just a teenage girl trying to figure out who she is, like the rest of them. 

As I was recording those words in my diary, I couldn't help but grin. This person really told me that I was worthy of something, that they wanted me in their life. It was, really, an amazing feeling. It was just that feeling of being something more than you thought you were. Something valuable. And you become that much more grateful of the person who said it.

Everyone yearns for that kind of feeling, everyone, absolutely everyone. No matter how beautiful they are, how amazing, or famous. It can't be believed unless it's been said. And I believe that every one deserves to be complimented. And they should have a compliment which they can categorise as being their favourite and ultimately memorise it. Because everyone has a heart, a brain and blood flowing through them - we're all equal. We deserve the same love. Coming from the ones who we love.

And those compliments from that friend remain my favourite until this very day. It's been almost two years. Not on compliment tops it.

Oh, and if you know it's you I'm talking about, I love you!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Year 11's insane. Seriously, I don't have much time for anything now. I have a couple of exams coming up in the next two weeks. Sigh, I hope I do well!

I probably won't be writing much on my event-less life, but I might go back to my philosophical-ish posts here and there only to keep my writing skills at a level in which I like it at.

Just a quick, somewhat update before I head to sleep. Goodnight people..who won't read this..

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I wrote this last night, going to post it now.

This week went by so so so so slowly.. I'm going to quickly recap this week.

Bio is getting so much better. I'm really enjoying it. And my teacher isn't that bad after all, he's actually pretty cool! I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover! My class is annoying though.. I don't like it.

I'm getting away with not doing my homework a lot. Especially in maths. I'm behind three exercises and my teacher still ticked me off as completing all homework, ehhehe :$ I'm going to try to catch up really soon, this weekend if possible. I hope I can. Pretty packed with everything!

My internet is being the biggest bitch these days. Seriously, I can't even download a TV show without it disconnecting! Urgh! I'm getting really sick and tired of this! Stupid Optus! URGH!

I had some time to think today and I went through photos of exactly a year ago. I miss how things were back then. A batch of my favourite photos are from that time. I can't believe how much things have changed. We were all so pure and close then. Now it honestly feels like no one really cares any more. Now, it's just about ourself.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So mucb to do in so little time

I shouldn't be blogging considering my work load and the fact that it's 11pm. Nearly anyway. But I decided to call it a night. Spent five hours on work tonight. Pretty insane night.

Hmm, well year 11's work load is getting crazy. It really is a huge jump from year 10. Oh well, gotta suck it up!

I dropped Chemistry, relieved I did so. It bores me so much! Now I have free periods to study..or just get some fresh air.

Truong is just doing me in the head. The work is getting really hard. And I know I gotta step up my game this year. Fell behind a lot since I transferred classes..

I haven't been working out a lot.. I'm gonna resume my routine of working out and eating healthy. And thst means eating really less for dinner. And that's what I did and I am so hungry! Hmm, well, I want to be skinny so I gotta suck it up! And being skinny will shut some people up. Urgh.

My process on saving up is working! Yay! I don't remember the last time I saved up.. It feels nice to have money and know not to use it!

I looked through the UAC 2012 book and the course I want is so high! I know I won't be able to reach it, but there's no harm in trying! Sigh, it seems so out of reach though. I'm too dumb for it.. I know the ATAR will change by 2013, I hope it drops! But the ATAR I saw was for a course at USYD, I want to go to UNSW. UTS offers the course at a much lower ATAR, but I don't want to go there for my course.. I didn't see UNSW's cut off for it, hopefully it isn't that high! It probably is though..

Monday, February 6, 2012

Promises and vows never to be taken seriously

Hmm, today was an average day. Sport was fun, we played netball. We played with the boys and Paula's group. We lost with the boys, I mean they put Stevan as GS when I was GK! Like what the hell! That's just unfair! He's like two heads taller than me! The game with Paula's group was really laid back though. I was surprised that Paula spoke to me and she didn't find me intimidating! Yay! Hehe! I was so happy when she made the effort to talk to me!

I studied for my tutor exam. I remember my formulas now. Having a harder time memorising the triple angles though. It's so complex! Now I just need Jessica to go through double angle with me and to just keep doing questions. I hope I at least pass in this exam. The Hurlstone class did really bad..

Saturday, February 4, 2012

We know we care, but we're just sitting on the sidelines

The first week of senior year has passed! It gradually got better. Maths is just extremely slow revision. Bio's actually pretty good if you really listen. Ancient's okay so far, we're just doing booklet work. Chem's BORING. Business became heaps better after I found out the other class has Nath, so we got the better teachers! HAHA! English, as usual, is awesome! I'm really enjoying English, I really can't wait to go more into journeys/gothic.

Last week in Maths tutor, My Mai asked if anyone was doing 4U English, and I put my hand up. And everyone stared at me like a freak :( So yeah, I'm the only one doing 4U English in my class. Mr Mai said that they have one of those crazy people every year..he called me crazy! :( He wants me to give him my story after I finish it..which he won't read HAHAH I don't know how I'm going to cope with 3U Maths and 4U English, going to be a work load!

Malika told me that people with 14 units have to drop a subject. I don't know if it's confirmed that we have to or not, but Peter said we have to as well since 14 units is a lot. I don't know what to drop. I want to drop Chem, but I was planning to change that to Legal. I want to keep Bio and Ancient. That leaves Business, but the thing is I'm pretty sure I'm going to be needing it.. Decisions decisions decisions..

There's a new girl in my grade! Her name's Tabatha, she's Spanish and American, how cool is that?! She's probably the first real white person in our school. She's actually 18 going 19 this year. She stopped her studies to go travelling for a year. Oh my gosh, I was so jealous when she told me! She's so bubbly! In the first few minutes I met her, I loved her instantly! She's such a mood lifter!

I finally got my webcam! Yay! I don't have to use my old shit one anymore! It feels so nice updating my things!

And I finally got Eun Jeong's address! Yay! I can send the photos and such to her now! And ask her for a family (with the neighbours!) photo since I didn't get to take one! I miss her family! They're all so bubbly and kind. And her neighbours were so welcoming. I got along with one of them really well cause she knew English..and guess what? I don't know her name! I didn't really get to call her by her name much and I always missed it when Eun Jeong or Eun Ju said it HAHAH Oh well, I hope to give them letters really soon! Speaking of Korean things, I miss Miss Jun :(

On Tuesday, my parents bought a new TV for their room. I want one! I actually took a photo of it, but I can't be bothered to import it to my computer.

I think that's all I have to blog about.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I miss you and I'm too scared to do anything

I went to Strathfield with a few of my friends for Moochi. I haven't been to Strathfield for ages! I missed going there! It's like Sydney's Korea! It made me miss my trip to Korea so much! Anyway, we went to eat at the usual restaurant I go to when I'm at Strathfield. I don't know what it's called though, I forgot. Linda and Julie ordered ddeokbokki, it's so nice! I haven't had it in so long! Alex ordered something and it was really hot, oh my god, he was sweating balls! HAHHA Then we went to Moochi, I ordered a massive green tea and pomegranate with mochi, blueberry, strawberry and lychee. I shared it with Malika. It's so yummy! I've been loving fro yo so much!

After that, we went back to Vivian's. We didn't do much. Just bummed around. A lot. I accidentally threw a phone at Alex's head, oh my god, I felt so bad! Kevin and I threw things at each other a lot. And everyone nerfed me! Like what the hell! Around 7, I walked home with Julie and a few others. I made a pit stop at Kevin's to go to the toilet..and to feed his turtle HAHA

I walked back to Julie's with Alex. Julie was on the bike so she was ahead. Alex and I had a good talk.

When I got to Julie's, she harassed me! Nah, it was a really good night! I stayed until 10-ish. We had a good talk, caught up, blah blah.

I threw an all nighter before school. My first day of school. Like what the hell?! It was such a long night! I listened to music, watched wrestling and played games all night. Oh, and I tossed and turned.

School was so shit.. I have Bef for 3 unit. Like what the actual fuck?! Who lets him teach?! Especially seniors! Urghh! It's so annoying! I have pretty shit teachers. How sad.

Anyway, in general, school's okay now. It's not so bad anymore. I LOVE ENGLISH! It's so much fun! There's a lot of writing! Yay! I know I'm gonna get lazy for it though.. HAHAH Yeah, I'm lazy to blog now!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

We were like sisters, twins even

I wrote this last night but never posted it, so 'today' is really 'yesterday'.

I had Katherine and Kaitlyn over today. Well, we were babysitting Kaitlyn so Jennifer could go out for the day, not that it was a problem. I love Kaitlyn! Oh my gosh, she is the cutest thing ever! Her smile is adorable! She drools a lot though, still cute! I went in for a kiss, and I got one heheh It was sloppy though. She kept trying to pull my posters down, and whenever I told her not to, she would just look at me and laugh AHAH :( She can do the Tarzan scream thing! Like whenever you hit her mouth softly again and again she starts making noises! So cute!

She wanted to steal my money! :( She was looking for the pocket, but she couldn't HAHAHAH

Relaxing on my bed with her legs wide spread..cause she can!

We had pizza, pasta and brownies from Dominoes, so it's only fair that I had to work out afterwards. And guess what? My treadmill acted up at around 11 minutes! I'm so sad! I hope it goes back to normal! Or else, I have to get a gym membership!

I saw a photo of Christine, and oh my god, she has grown up so so so much! She looks so pretty! And she's flawless! It made me kind of catch up with Tammy, we reminisced about the times we spent together. Oh my gosh, I miss her so so much! We were so close as kids! I'm so glad I found contact with her again. She said she might come down to Sydney in the Easter holidays, if she is, I am booked for the whole holiday! I'm spending as much time with her as possible! I'm going to take her everywhere! Gosh, I miss that girl!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I got woken up at 11 to go to temple cause it's something us Viets/Chinese just do on CNY. I went to a couple, it was the same thing over and over. The first temple I went to, I ended up eating buon rieu, it wasn't nice there. It was uneventful. Well, I saw Jimmy..and threw him a dirty and walked off.. HAHAH (A) Oh well, it wasn't intentional, it just came upon me.

After temple, I stayed at home. All day. All night.

It was Phi's 16th..and I forgot, until Putijak reminded me HAHAHHA Woopsie! We had a BBQ at his place. I don't remember much. We lazed around on his bed..I'm surprised it didn't break! And and I played with his dogs too! I love Baby! Oh my gosh, she's so fluffy! And she likes me now, well, I think she liked my perfume, every time I walked past, she always stood up and stared at me AHAHA She's so cute! I felt so special when she sat on me :$

As the night went on, we went outside to watch the others play Ultimate Snap and Bullshit. It was pretty funny seeing how Ben, Duy and all were tipsy at the most. Ben is so cute heheh :$ I love how he's so into fashion! He met Alexander Wang, like what! Oh my goddd! Jealous! And he's been to so so so many runways! Extremely jealous! His sense of style is so sexy :$ Even in girls' fashion!

I had Linda over before tutor. And during. And after. HAHAH! It was heaps of fun! Julie was over after tutor as well. And we watched Linda and I's old dedication videos. One word: CRINGEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh my gosh, everyone looked so different and youngggggggggggggggg! And Alex, oh my god, HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH! That's all I can say.

After Linda went home, Julie and I went on a Ellen DeGeneres spree. Oh my god, hilarious! Our cheeks were aching so so so much afterwards HAHAH I love Ellen so much! She's so amazing! Anyway, it was the best night with Julie! I haven't spent this time with her in yonks! Esp. not time just laughing our asses off! I missed that girl so much! Tonight was probably the most happiest I've been for a while HAHA

Posting this now, cause it's 5 more minutes until the 26th! :$ I might post again later.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Suck your gut in and tighten the corset

It's the day before Chinese New Year which means going insane to prep the feast. My family always has a quiet New Year's since we don't have extended family in Sydney. Pretty sad. Oh well, next year, I'm spending CNY is Vietnam! Yay! ..or not.

Like every year, I have to help my mum. And I spent most of the time seperating the crab meat from its shell. Most tiring and boring process ever! I ended up cutting myself twice..without really knowing it. I got cut in the same place, so it got heaps deeper. A lot of blood for such a small cut..

While I was doing all that, my brother formatted my computer..twice cause it was being a bitch. Things are much better now! But, my graphic card's still a little bitch. On some pages, the scrolling lags like crazy! It's hard to put up with. I don't want to ask Peter about it cause for one, he's sleeping, and two, my computer annoyed him enough today.

I'm still so bloated, oh my god!

My room's slowly becoming cleaner! Yayer!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gronk, isn't it time you dropped by?

Black, orange and wild

Yesterday I went to Parramatta with Tiff. It's been a while since I went out with her, probably a month. I only got a school shirt, felt tips and highlighters. We went into Zu Shoes and Tiff ordered her Serafina wedges, they're so pretty! I spotted some leopard loafers - in love! I've been eyeing leopard loafers for a while now, but they never really caught my eye. But for some reason, this particular pair really did catch my eye. I want them so much! They're $120 though.. They're now tied first on my to-purchase shoe list! I'm going to save up for them, I really want them!

I'm packed all week this week. Urgh, I hate being busy.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

So I have no idea what I've been up to lately..

There was a day I went out for fro yo with Julie, Phi, Putijak and Kevin. I wanted to go to Kevin's afterwards, but Julie had to get back cause she didn't want to get in trouble. Pretty uneventful day..

I had Vivian over for a day. We bummed around. We got Tommy's. And I don't remember what we did.

Yesterday I went to eat with Sarah, Phi and Kevin and we went back to Kevin's place. His house is so freakin' pretty. Like oh my god. AND HIS TURTLE IS SO CUTEEEEEEE! I wanted to feed it but I was freaking out most of the time. I ended up feeding it though, it's so cool! I also got to see his dog. It is so big. I didn't expect him to be that big! He's so cute though! I wanted to really play with it, but yeahh.. Other than that, we bummed around and I nearly fell asleep, but Kevin and Phi being the asses they are, woke me up! Kevin wouldn't let me sleep :( His bed is so comfy :$ I want to keep exploring his house, it's so vintage-ish! :$ And his chandelierrrrrr!

Tutor was a bitch today.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fuck, girls are bitchy. And annoying.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

사랑 없어

The title doesn't mean anything, it's just a lyric HAHA

So I just watched 2NE1's 놀자 concert and it was so good, even though Jordan said it wasn't. I forgot how talented these four girls are!

Will this be when I go back to k-pop? I don't know. I mean started listening to the songs again, but I don't think I'll be staying dedicated to catch up with everything new. Korean entertainment updates itself too frequently and too fast.

I'll probably stick to the korean music that was there when I was in love with it. And update myself with artists I love. And the ones Jordan makes me download..

Anyway, I started watching fancams of Minji and Taeyang performing Look Only At Me because for some reason YG didn't put that in the DVD :-( It was so good!

So then I stumbled upon teasers for 2NE1's US debut album. And holy shit, they are gonna make it big. The songs are so good! They barely have an accent..well, from what I heard in the teasers. I can't wait for them to make their debut!

Oh and I forgot how much better korean ballads are than english ones :3

Friday, January 13, 2012

Nothing's wrong, so why does nothing feel right?

Super late update!

It was Alex's 16th, so we went to Bondi for the day. Going to the beach always meant waking up early, so that was definitely hell. And it started raining around 8, bummed me so much. I felt cold! I still ended up wearing a sleeveless top and shorts though.

I picked Julie up and met the others at the station, a lot of people were late, was probably expectant though. Oh well, when everyone was there we met Sarah at Fairfield and we went to Bondi. The train trip this time was okay, everyone was too tired to really do anything.

We stayed at Bondi for around 3 hours cause we had to get back for the BBQ. The beach was pretty fun, I jumped waves again. The sun came out and hid behide the clouds a lot, but I ended up getting a bikini tan anyway.. So sad, everyone teases me about it!

I don't remember the trip back, but we got back to Cabra and I went to Malika's first and threw my things at her place. By the time we walked to Alex's, it started raining. It was so humid though!

The night was okay I guess. Malika and I had our usual time together, as we do at most parties. I  always love spending time with her! By the time we got back to everyone else, the drinks had come out. Not many people drank though, I took a shot, but that was it.

Stevan got smashed and lifted the atmosphere, such a retard. After a while, I carried Wendy and whe made me run around in the rain. She's so cute! Oh my goddd, she's grown so much from the last time I saw her! My arms started shaking afterwards though, oh well!

I went home at around 10, since I had to take Julie home as well. Would have stayed longer, but oh well.
Oh yeah, I got seasons 4 and 5 of Desperate Housewives that day as well! :$

I went to Vivian's for her pasta HAHAHAH :$ So yummehhhh! We watched Cheaper by the Dozen as well, Malika fell asleep since she threw an all nighter. While she slept, Vivian and I took luvos on each other's phones. We looked beautiful :$ After that, we just lazed around talking and they both started teasing me! :-( It was a fun day, a girls day in, haven't had one in so long! :3

I was supposed to stay home today, but Phi talked me into going for yum cha. I was so lazy for it! We ended up eating leftovers :-( But oh my god, chicken feeeeeeet! Love that stuff! It totalled up to $58.40. Those fags tricked me again by saying they didn't bring money when they did :-( Those fags as in Phi, Alex and Kevin. Stupid brodas!

After that, we went to the fro yo place, so yummyyyy! And cheap! And I'm going again today hehe :$
We walked back to my plave and we played 13 until they went home. Pretty fun to play 13 with them. They laugh at me cause I can't do a push up! Malika managed to read all od Meridian while we played HAHAH That girl's a machine!

Nothing happened today, but Truong started again. I didn't go to the last lesson cause it was the formal night. I am so lost, it isn't even funny! The class went over homework questions for an hour and 15 minutes and I just stared at the board like a lost kid. I already hate 3 unit! I really don't think I'll be able to cope.

Gotta try though, I can't stop now!

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I just read a blog post of my friend's about how much life has changed. And how she couldn't talk to anyone about it, her suppressed and mixed feelings about these changes. For one, I felt bad because I'm fairly close to her, but I know there are things you don't feel like you can tell anyone. Two, it got me paranoid that it might be directing towards me. And three, life has changed, so much..

Within a year, my life has change so much. But it always does, every time a new year approaches, I always think back at how much my life has changed within that year. Last year, I was crushing on someone I knew I could never be with. I was also a part of a bond which I thought was unbreakable. I was a part of a group whose bonds were extremely strong. I had a boy I could turn to. I was still in the midst of holding my longest grudge. I couldn't speak a word to my first ex. I completely forgot about my second. 

A year later I don't even remember what it feels like to have a crush on someone. That giddy feeling when they talk to you. When you feel like you're soaring. Your heart skips a beat. The corners of your mouth begin to curve up without even knowing it. Fantasising about the scenarios of what could happen if they returned your feelings. Yeah, I don't know what it feels like anymore. Then again, I like it this way, I don't need romance in my life, I don't want it.

That bond, it was with three other girls. And I know that every who's reading my blog most likely knows who I'm talking about. Our bond grew initially from year 7, and it grew stronger and stronger. And last year, it was especially strong. It was like nothing could pull us apart. And everyone knew that. No one dared to try to break us up, and if someone did, we could always feel it and we would talk to each other about it. It made our friendship just that much more stronger. A year later, it's not as strong. Honestly, I don't even know if it's there anymore.. I would like that assurance we gave each other, but hey, things change.

My group, I have heard from other people that our friendship is one that is hard to find and maintain throughout high school. I remember when I wanted to move schools, my year advisor told me I was never going to find a group of friends like them again. I knew he was right. We get criticised a lot, but the thing is, we couldn't care less. Because we know how we feel towards each other. That's what always lets us pull through. A year later, I can feel us walking away. I know we were bound to separate anyway, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. I mean, we still go out together and everything, but it's obvious that it's not the same, it's weaker.

That boy, I can still consider him my best friend. But it's definitely not the same. We used to talk every single day, every minute we were both on. It was what we did, talk and talk and talk. I could just spill my feelings out to him and he would be so so supportive and understanding. A year later, we don't talk every day. We don't talk every minute. I don't spill my feelings to him. He doesn't spill his feelings to me. It's not the same, but it's not a friendship I'm letting go of either.

My biggest grudge. I held that in for about two years. I hated his guts. I mean, he got hit because of me. And I know I'm not proud of that. A year later, our friendship is restored. Surprising myself even, I find him so easy to talk to. And he finds it the same towards me. If anyone didn't know better, they would have no idea that we hated each other's guts for about two years. There's always a bit I can't let go of though. It's there. It always will be.

My first ex, wow. I couldn't speak a word to him! I didn't hate him that time, but it was just plain awkward. I found him weird. I didn't think that in a few months time, we would actually become good friends. Now, nearly a year later, when I see him, something tugs onto me and lets me know that I can look up to him as a brother. He has a protective vibe to him. It's assuring. And hey, he's head over heels for a girl who I've known my whole life so she's family, how am I not supposed to be good friends with him?

I always found my second ex to be a touchy subject. A lot of speculation went around about us, but I didn't care. It was a special time for me. It's a shame that we completely lost contact. A year later, I regret the last time we spoke, how I acted. It wasn't something I'm proud of. I want to catch up with him and his brother, since we were close. He made me feel special. Happy. 

On another note, I know this post is really deep. And this will probably be the deepest post I will ever make. I just felt like writing it. I don't care what negative responses there are to this. I really don't. Because for some of the touchier ones, I know I'm not alone on it. And yes, I know this will probably be spoken about, but whatever.

Friday, January 6, 2012


I went to Bondi beach with Lisa, Anna, April, Sarah, Phi, Putijak, Alex, Brian, Scott and Kelvin! So, I planned to meet up with Alex and Putijak at 8:30 at Cabra station cause some people were meeting at Fairfield. I didn't know there were going to be more people meeting there, but I bumped into Lisa at the police station so we walked it together! We bought a ticket to Bondi Junction..yeah, that was a mistake. So we took the bus to Fairfield and met up with the others.

We stopped at..Redfern(?), I don't know, I forgot. The train trip was hilarious! I slapped Lisa, hehehe! And I slapped Alex as well. And Lisa kept cupping my boobs! I don't know why I'm friends with her either. We hopped onto another train towards Bondi Junction, and when we got there, we had to buy our bus ticket to the beach, and that was $4.20! So, the group who met at Cabra ended up spending $10.80 on the ticket.. How sad. The Fairfield group caught the first bus to Bondi, so we met up at the beach.

The beach was pretty packed! I wasn't planning on wearing a bikini, but I felt left out, the boys said they wouldn't care if I'm fat, and the girls kept on urging me too, so I wore one! I felt really insecure at first, but then I didn't care after a while. I also wasn't planning on going into the water, but I ended up going in as well. It was heaps fun though, I love jumping the waves!

We went back to just chill on the sand for a while, and I was laying down on my towel, and Alex, thinking he's funny, poured sand on my tummy! Lisa did the same afterwards as well! After that, we chilled, played 13, and chilled some more. I went back into the water once more, and after that we all just chilled again.

At around 4 - 5, a sudden gust of strong wind blew and the sand blew along with it. The sand was so painful against our skin! Oh my gosh, it was so annoying. I thought it would end soon, but it did not stop at all! I ended up covering myself neck to toe with my towel. It was freakin' painful! Such a bad way to end the day at the beach!

So, we went to change and all, and oh my gosh, the toilets stank so bad! I felt like vomiting! Urgh, I hate beach restrooms! We hopped back on the bus and back to the station, blah blah, and apparently Alex said some guy was checking me out. I saw him looking back at me, but it didn't hit me that he was checking me out. I think I'm becoming more dopey..

The train trip back to Cabra was hilarious! I love train trips, they're usually the best part of the day. Kelvin got stuck between the seats. Alex swore at the train. Kelvin was being stupid. Putijak put his legs around Kelvin's neck. Phi MMS-ed everyone photos of that trip, such a good time!

When we got back to Cabra, we went to eat at Dong Ba. I had crispy noodles with combination. It was so nice! I didn't have it for so long! I didn't finish it though, Phi and Kelvin helped me. I said something, and Putijak threw a tissue at me, and I aimed it back at Putijak..but, it hit Phi's hea and rebounded into his food! HAHAHAHHAH! It was soup too! And he wasn't finished, woops.. It was a great laugh though!

I got home at around 9, and I found out that I was burnt under my boobs, my shoulder and a bit on my chest. And a bit on my face. But when I woke up, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

There's only one significant thing that happened that day. I finished season 3 of Desperate Housewives and I can't find a link that is in sync for season 4! So I have to wait for Malika to come over and give me the rest of Desprerate Housewives. So I started watching 7th Heaven. It's pretty food so far! I've been wanting to watch it for a while, and I finally am!

I went to Julie's place today. It's always nice to spend time with her! She got more tan! Yayy! She is so white! We didn't do much, just chilled. Then we went Super Dish with her family and Jimmy's family, oh my gosh, the food was so oily and sickening! Yuck!

After dinner, we went to Jenny's place. I haven't been there in what feels like a million years! We chilled outside on the sofa talking. Pretty good talk, and funny too!

I recently discovered an artist and I am in love with her music! It's definitely not everyone's favourite taste in music, but hey, I'm weird. Her name's Kimbra, I highly doubt many people will like her music. She's just so unique and so is her music! My favourite song from her is Cameo Lover, also the first song I heard from her!

I think this is all I have to update my blog with..if not, I'll post again later!

Monday, January 2, 2012


It's 2012, oh my godddd, it's senior year now! I gotta get my game together this year. My cousin's expecting me to do well, everyone in my family is! I'm so dumb as well, stupid high expectations, makes my life hard. Oh well, quick recap of 2011

  • I made amends with Johnny, oh my god, still pretty unbelievable HAHA
  • I became closer with Putijak, yeahh! :D
  • I drifted from my group, actually everyone drifted, we're barely together
  • I grew closer to Tiff again!
  • I grew closer to Alan, Vuong, Johnathon, Ek and Srecko
  • I drifted from Jordan, but we're still best friends :D
  • I'm a lot healthier, not as much as I was in the beginning of the year though
  • I went Korea and met some cute boys :$
  • I met Lily! ^^
  • Lost a few friendships
  • I wasn't completely sad all year! :'D
  • My life became hella boring
That's all I can think of, I have a boring life :$ I always make new year's resolutions and they never happen, but what the hell, I'm gonna make them again :D
  • Become more organised! I purchased a fat diary this year to keep myself organised, I hope I follow it!
  • No social networking sites on weekdays until after I finished my homework. Or not at all! God, this is gonna fail so badly..
  • Read more! I've been slacking off a lot and my English has dropped dramatically!
  • Be happy with my body. I've been working out, but I haven't been eating right lately. I need to start again HAHAH I'm a blob :$
  • Stop spending money so much, I'm the biggest money spender you'll ever meet! Mainly because I'm not allowed to buy cheap items, I buy expensive high quality items that will last a while AHAHAH
  • Get myself a job! Or I can wait until I'm 18 and work at Costco.. Nah, that's too long :(
  • Improve my maths skills.. Oh my god, I suck and I hate maths and I'm doing 3 unit..
  • Stop being so uptight! I already told Putijak I want to be carefree and he encouraged me, so yeah, I'm not going to care what people think of me and do whatever I want!
That's about it! :D I hope 2012 is a joyous year! For everyone!
I'm going to quickly summarise the past few days. In dot points :D


  • Malika came over
  • We went DFO + Costco
  • Spent $33 at Dotti
  • We bought the same items - aztec top, white tee, navy tee (I also bought grey socks)
  • Spent $27.50 in Cotton On - two bikini tops, a bikini bottom and a blue top
  • Malika bought the blue top as well :D
  • Spent $20 at Factorie - coral aztec collared sheer top
  • Yes, Malika bought that too :D
  • Spent like $80 altogether..
  • Wanted this lilac sweater in Mossman, I don't know why I didn't buy it
  • We went Costco
  • We ate, and roamed around
  • Vivian, Putijak, Phi, Kevin and Sarah came around
  • They convinced me into making the NYE party
  • Stayed till 10
  • Completely forgot I was making the NYE party when I woke up
  • Watched more Desperate Housewives
  • Went to Liverpool
  • Bought $300 Versace sunglasses (they were on sale okay?! And my Marc Jacobs ones were sold! :()
  • Alex and Kevin were first to come over
  • They tried my clothes on, they looked pretty :)
  • Vivian, Sarah and Putijak came afterwards
  • Then everyone else came
  • Ordered 7 pizzas for $70
  • Thrashed them all
  • Walked around the street a million times until midnight
  • Pretty shit get together, but it felt nice walking around at night


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